Wednesday, August 13, 2008

stuff christian culture likes

Once I get going I can't stop. I have years of marinating in Christian culture in reserve and am putting it all into my new blog! Yesterday I wrote a dissertation on youth pastors. Coming up next: khaki.


Snap to it! Sanp in time! said...

Your SCCL blog is a refreshment. Here's to more deconstruction of sacred cows! It's a world I know so little about. Well, except for that one time at age 8 I wore nylons to church group.

Marissa said...

I'm digging the new blog so much I should feel guilty.
It's a real struggle not to inundate your comments with suggestions. If you ever have trouble coming up with inspiration, look no further than this kid right here!

the nibbling marmot said...

Have you ever read this guy? :

stephy said...

No, I haven't, but now I want to. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Youth Pastors with goatees. I used to have one so I'm pointing the finger at myself too. I used to wear kaki's and hawaiian shirts (aka: Saddleback and Rick Warren). YIKES!!

Anonymous said...

Christianity is not a culture but a cult that was instituted to controll the masses. Dont live your life according to a book of childrens stories.