Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Today I was asked by someone why on earth I would want to read Christopher Hitchens' book god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. I guess I can see why that would be weird to some people as I am only a part-time atheist and not a full-time one as Hitchens is, and even when I'm an atheist I still hurl my trust in Jesus and sob in my Father's arms - the arms I hope are there. Because during the times I don't believe in God and trust in him anyway, that's when it's faith.

I think that everyone has a valid viewpoint because it is THEIR viewpoint and stems from their journey and their story. And I'm interested in people's stories. I'm not threatened that Hitchens' viewpoint will affect mine. Maybe it will affect it but I don't feel scared of that.

I guess that is why I want to read that book.


bandwidow said...

wow, sounds like you and my david have a lot in common right now! that was well written.

stephy said...

is your david struggling with this too? it has been a big issue for me the past couple of years. i'm finally owning it somewhat...

Anonymous said...

i'm afraid if someone asked me that i would first deny it emphatically and then as that bought a few more seconds i would start scheming my line of defense and then while i am trying to make it all okay and right with the world again, the vein in my neck would bulge so ginormously that it would actually explode and i would die. Then that.... THAT WOULD SHOW THEM.

Simone said...

So have you started reading the book yet? It's on my "To-read" list. I hope Hitchens isn't too much of an asshole for you, which is what I expect. I am big on "The God Delusion" because it's riddled with dry British wit which makes me giddy with delight which you probably already knew and share said giddyness.