An update on the comment thread on Facebook wherein I was called an idiot (Adam still hasn't responded fyi). The thread meandered along with people saying nice things about Fox News and a few not nice things to me. After awhile I decided to play my trump card and I thought I'd share it here for any sympathizers' enjoyment and of course some schadenfreude. I wrote on the thread with UTMOST maturity (sarcasm there):
"Y'all ready for this? I'm actually on the Fox News payroll. Their company
Beliefnet asked to host my blog in which I write about conservatives, because I
used to be one of you. I know you better than you know yourselves! And I get to
write about it all in my Big Famous Blog® and cash Fox checks for dissecting the
conservative Christian thought process. Isn’t the universe strange? ANYhow, I’m
sure you all will massively enjoy my thoughts on it, because they’re all your
Then I linked to my blog. THAT’LL show them. Or it will at least bring me some traffic.
presents from the kids and drawings by Lolly
David took this of me getting ready and I didn't know it
My cake, with Listerine in the background as ghetto liquor courtesy of Ben & Mel Parsons
Cake is my favorite food and I always make my birthday cakes myself because I don't trust it to anyone else. Except Costco. I LOVE Costco cake.
My birthday mug from Jason, he wrote my second favorite scene from The Room on it. The actual scene can be seen here.
My lovelies! Michele, Chrissy, me, Sheree, Jason, Davy, Carrie and Jose.
David gave me these glasses for my birthday, but that is Zooey wearing them here
Yay birthday! I wish you all could have come over. When I am President (which I can be because I'm 35 now) I will fly us all to Mexico for a month and we'll stay in a resort I'll pay you for your lost wages and we will just lie around and eat cake and play Uno. xoxoxoxo